combine starter, flours, oil, and cheese together in a medium sized bowl. texture should be stiffer and dryer than cookie dough but still wet enough to knead.
let rest at room temperature for 4-8 hours.
preheat oven to 350 degrees
sprinkle 20 g everything seasoning on a table. take the dough, place on top of the seasoning.
as if you were rolling out pie crust, roll dough in the topping with a rolling pin. continue rolling, flipping over once, until it covers the surface area and shape of your baking sheet.
if it breaks apart, no worries! just stitch the jagged pieces together into one piece. sometimes i'm lazy and use a smaller rolling pin to roll directly onto the baking sheet.
optional: you can either cut the crackers now into squares (i use a bench knife) for a cleaner, more uniform look, OR break up the crackers after baking and cooling for a more rustic look.
bake for about 20-25 min, or whenever the edges curl up and turn golden brown.
remove crackers from pan, and let cool for 15 minutes on a cooling rack.
serve on a charcuterie platter, or enjoy on its own.